On the first of November, a bright and sunny Friday beckoned for adventure, albeit I was to undertake this journey alone as my wife had to work. With the day promising beautiful weather, I felt the urge to escape into the mountains. The slight chill of early November added to the allure of a mountain trip, yet presented the typical dilemma of deciding where to go.
After much pondering, I concluded to embark on a bike and hike to a nearby mountain range – the Hirschtalsattel and the Kampen summits. This was a tour I had wanted to experience for quite some time. While my wife expressed some concern about how challenging a few passages might be, it served as the perfect opportunity for me to scout the route and ascertain if it was suitable for her as well.
The plan involved biking approximately 10 km to reach the mountain, followed by a 6 km ascent with around 500 meters of elevation gain. Following that, I would encounter a steep ascent of 350 meters to the first summit, followed by a 2.5 km traverse along a ridge leading over three additional summits before heading back to my bike and ultimately home.

Deciding to leave my camera at home was a practical choice that day. I wanted (well, needed) to maximize space in my backpack since I preferred to cycle with my cycling shoes that feature clips for better performance. Conversely, I required proper hiking shoes for the ascent. During the day I decided that bringing additional pairs of shoes might not always be areally good option and that I wanted to look for a pair that accommodates both activities in future outings.
With everything sorted, I began the cycling leg of my adventure. The ride was invigorating, providing a nice warm-up as I prepared for the mountain’s challenges ahead. The route, although demanding, was rewarding and enjoyable. I noticed the chill in the air, particularly in the shaded areas. I mean I expected low temperatures but still was a bit surprised to find some frosty grass already at the foot of the mountain. Despite the cold, I managed to maintain comfort during the ride, as long as I didn’t linger too long during breaks. From time to time I was overtaken by eBike riders who expressed their respect for my performance as a “bio-biker”, which I found a nice guesture.
Upon reaching my cycling destination, I locked my bike, switched shoes, and took a brief rest with a snack. I learned in my past adventures it’s beneficial for me to spend a few minutes resting and regrouping after cycling before embarking on the hike.
The climb was steep, but quite doable. After all, it wasn’t a race, so I took my time. As the ascent was on the north side – in the shade – it was quite cool. Just short of uncomfortable for my clothing. The joy of reaching the ridge was palpable. The sun broke through the clouds, illuminating the landscape and treating me to breathtaking views.
Continuing to the first summit, I encountered another hiker. We exchanged some stories, soaking in the warmth of the sun and the beauty surrounding us. After a short break to enjoy a snack, I proceeded along the ridge. I spotted areas with frost left in the shadows, all while the crisp sunlight warmed my path. This contrast was really a bit strange.
As I progressed, I finally reached the sections of the trail that had been described as challenging. I dutifully photographed and filmed these spots to share with my wife later. It became clear that my initial decision to scout was indeed a good one, as these areas might make her uncomfortable. The views throughout my journey were nothing short of breathtaking. I felt a deep contentment simply being up there among the mountains.
After a fulfilling time at the last summit, I retraced my steps back to the bike. The ride down and home was rather uneventful, yet it perfectly capped off the day and brought me back with a sense of satisfaction, wrapped in the gentle embrace of the autumn landscape.