Oh I haven’t blogged for a while now! Yeah, I’ve been pretty busy with .. I am actually not really sure where all the time went.
Anyways, we are back to work now and it is still dark very early. Which isn’t very inviting for after work activities. Especially when it’s cold and wet. But – despite temperatures down to -5°C, I managed to get out three times last week after work to do a cycling loop. Nothing impressive. But just some exercise to get the head clear. And it was fun! Of course, I am wearing a couple of layers against the cold. But I felt really good after each ride.
Last weekend, I just wanted to touch snow and ice. The weather forecast was not very motivating. Just grey and windy. But I decided to just do a quick loop on a local mountain. Just get the head clear and get some exercise. I didn’t even bring the big camera with me.
My wife preferred to go to the gym meanwhile. So she just dropped my off near the trailhead and we agreed that I’d give her a call when I know that I would be ready to be picked up again. And so I set off for a loop that, in the end, would cover 750m elevation. I won’t go too much into details. I just like this loop as it really doesn’t feel so high.
At one place I took the two photos below. In hindsight, I wish that I had brought the big camera for this, but on the other hand: I also enjoyed not having to carry the camera gear and just do a lightweight loop. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did enjoy walking the loop. Well except for breaking my micro spikes on the way down when I got caught on a root. But well, at least I didn’t fall so that it’s only gear that was broken.

Na wo du dich wieder rumtreibst… 😉
War das wieder zum Sekarkreuz da rauf? Hatte erst Hirschhörnlekopf im Verdacht, aber der Hang fällt mMn. zu steil ab.
Vielleicht wird das noch was mit dem Winter. Wollte Anfang Februar eine Mehrtages Wintertour machen, aktuell könnte das eher eine Frühlingstour werden.
Florian (Codestupser bei Mastodon)