Small beauties accompany us on our trails through nature. We often get lost in the epic vistas and miss the little gems right next to us. This collection is a tribute to the often-unnoticed beauties.

Even the smallest flower strains to be seen. For she is ready to shine.

While climbing up a rather steep path, this little beauty seemed to be enjoying the sun and sent me a motivational greeting. Being concentrated on walking upwards, I had almost overlooked it.

After a strenuous climb in the Bavarian Alps, we were greeted by
this orchid that had chosen its location with a great view.

The harsher the landscape becomes with increasing altitude, the more surprising it is to find such delicate plants. This flower has chosen a lonely mountain in the Alps as its home.

Dead wood is the breeding ground for new life.
These fungi crowd together on a log and shield each other.

Surrounded by green meadows, these flowers have chosen the seemingly most barren spot on this mountain: In the middle of the path they hold their own against the hikers, enjoy the great view and greet the many visitors.

Tiny bellflowers can be found in various places in the Alps.
Not surprising, they have become an essential part of my hiking experience.

A single blossom was looking at me like a spotlight near the trail.

It seems like the conditions cannot be too harsh enough for these flowers to bloom.
They have truely conquered the mountains.

The blooming season of the heath is slowly coming to an end at the end of September. However, in a part of a nearby moor some flowers still enjoy the sun and enjoy the time.