Creating Minimalism
Creating Minimalism

Creating Minimalism

Last week’s hike (also see The whims of winter) was the first snow hike this season. Of course, I was eager to take snow shots after a year of hiking in splendid colors! And I was successful. I returned with a couple of shots that will find their places in my memories. Yet one of the shots turned out an absolute stunner.

The interesting point of this shot is that I didn’t “see” this very motive on location in its final form but developed it just back home. The result is not only a stunning photo. It is a great example of how “leaving things out” can improve a photograph and create a completely new interpretation of the same scene.

The Process

But long story short: This photo below shows the original shot including the first crop. The photo is a nice winter landscape. But there’s too much going on. Especially the sky in the top right adds an element to the shot that – in my opinion – is quite distracting as it leads my eyes from the top left to the right out of the image. So I tried cropping off the sky – even though I “lost” a lot from the mountain in the back:

This image captures the serene beauty of a snowy landscape. The scene is dominated by a vast expanse of white snow that blankets every inch of the terrain. A few resilient trees can be seen sporadically scattered across the landscape, their branches laden with thick clumps of snow. One of these trees closely resembles a Christmas tree, standing out against the snowy backdrop. The view stretches out to distant mountains, their peaks shrouded in a light haze. It's an idyllic winter spectacle that might remind one of a ski resort or a blizzard. The sky overhead is clear, adding to the overall tranquility of the scene. The image seems to encapsulate the essence of winter, complete with a freezing, glacial landform. The overall atmosphere is one of quiet and stillness, as if time itself has stopped to admire the snow-laden spectacle. This image captures the serene beauty of a snowy landscape. The scene is dominated by a vast expanse of white snow that blankets every inch of the terrain. A few resilient trees can be seen sporadically scattered across the landscape, their branches laden with thick clumps of snow. One of these trees closely resembles a Christmas tree, standing out against the snowy backdrop. The view stretches out to distant mountains, their peaks shrouded in a light haze. It's an idyllic winter spectacle that might remind one of a ski resort or a blizzard. The sky overhead is clear, adding to the overall tranquility of the scene. The image seems to encapsulate the essence of winter, complete with a freezing, glacial landform. The overall atmosphere is one of quiet and stillness, as if time itself has stopped to admire the snow-laden spectacle.

The result was the version below: WAYS better! Cropping off the sky made the image ways more balanced. Yet I still felt an imbalance between the very clean and pure foreground and the background & left with all the trees, the house in the back, the hill coming down from the left. There was still a bit much going on there. And as soon as my eyes got into that region, I felt lost due to all the lines. As a result, I tried to crop even more aggressively to find a part of the image that is just simple, calm, pure. – I tried multiple crops, larger, smaller, including and excluding trees, etc. And finally, after evaluating quite a couple of different versions, I decided to go with the crop indicated below by the red line. To be honest, i was a bit hesitant to crop so aggressively compared to the original image – but the result speaks for itself.

This image captures the serene beauty of a winter landscape. The dominant colors are various shades of white and gray, creating a monochrome effect that emphasizes the coldness of the season. The scene is set outdoors, where a heavy blanket of snow covers everything. A selection of trees, including a Christmas tree, are scattered across the scene. They stand starkly against the snow, their branches heavy with the white powder. Enclosed within the scene is a fence, possibly indicating the perimeter of a ski resort. The land is hilly and could be the slopes of a snow-covered mountain, suggesting this could be a popular spot for winter sports like skiing. The snowfall is so dense it seems to blur the lines between the ground and the sky, creating a blizzard-like effect. The overall ambience is one of quiet isolation, a world paused by a winter storm. This image captures the serene beauty of a winter landscape. The dominant colors are various shades of white and gray, creating a monochrome effect that emphasizes the coldness of the season. The scene is set outdoors, where a heavy blanket of snow covers everything. A selection of trees, including a Christmas tree, are scattered across the scene. They stand starkly against the snow, their branches heavy with the white powder. Enclosed within the scene is a fence, possibly indicating the perimeter of a ski resort. The land is hilly and could be the slopes of a snow-covered mountain, suggesting this could be a popular spot for winter sports like skiing. The snowfall is so dense it seems to blur the lines between the ground and the sky, creating a blizzard-like effect. The overall ambience is one of quiet isolation, a world paused by a winter storm.

The Final Crop

As soon as I had decided on that crop and did some minor adjustments, I leaned back and had my first WOW-moment. I wasn’t sure if I should stamp out the tufts of grass and create even more plain space but in the end decided to leave some grass as a slight indicator about the depth of the snow. This shot is simply fascinating by all its elements! the poles standing along the covered way, leading the eye from the front to the back in a pleasant curve. Also the bright area in the back that can fork the leading line into the top middle. From there following the sharp hill to the top right and back. Some details along this hill and the tufts of grass in the snow to just graba a little bit of attention – yet not too much to keep the attention for too lang and always come back to the poles.

This image captures the serene scene of a snowy landscape, dominated by tones of white and grey. The main element in the scene is a fence, standing out against the backdrop of the freshly fallen snow. The scene is outdoors, enveloped by nature in its winter season. The snow-covered terrain appears to be a slope, possibly a ski slope, suggesting a mountainous location. The landscape is obscured by a dense fog, adding to the chilly, freezing atmosphere. The image is a black and white photo, adding a timeless and tranquil quality. The starkness of the landscape and the stillness of the scene evoke a sense of solitude and peace.

I really love this version. Not only for its purity, the sense of solitude and peace that it evokes but also for the process: How the original shot transformed into a completely new interpretation. From an impressive mountain scene with trees and high mountains towering in the back, the house hidden in the back – to this final still, calm pure winter landscape.

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