A Mountain Adventure Lesson in Phone Safety
A Mountain Adventure Lesson in Phone Safety

A Mountain Adventure Lesson in Phone Safety

Last Sunday, my photography expedition to the mountains took an unexpected turn. As I descended a steep slope, my phone slipped from my clumsy grasp, tumbling down the steep and frozen terrain. What followed was a nerve-wracking journey to retrieve it, involving crawling through treacherous terrain, sustaining grazes, and even injuring my shoulder. Fortunately, I found my phone unscathed, but the experience served as a stark reminder of the importance of securing our devices.

Despite having simple accessories like a cardholder yoyo and a ribbon (like the ones you get at any event to hold your badge), I had left them at home, assuming I wouldn’t simply drop my phone. The irony wasn’t lost on me. Reflecting on past experiences, I recalled instances of fellow adventurers losing their phones in the mountains.

My tip for all outdoor enthusiasts: Always choose pockets that can be securely closed or zippered. Avoid open (net) pockets on your backpacks, as items can easily slip out when you least expect it – a lesson I learned the hard way, having once lost a glove in a similar mishap.

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